
Stance EQ Canada Stance EquiPower Performance
Stance EQ Canada
Stance EQ Canada Stance EquiPower Performance

Stance EQ Canada Stance EquiPower Performance

C$164.99 Excl. tax
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Balanced Oils for Performance
• Supports performance and endurance
• Supports normal blood sugars
• Provides essential fatty acids
• Supports muscle strength and vitality Read more.

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Product description

What is EquiPower Performance®?
EquiPower Performance is a blend of coconut oil and essential fatty acids which may benefit health and maximise performance in horses.
To complete the perfect oil blend for performance and maximum energy output, Omegas 3, 6 and 9 are combined with Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) oil.
This unique blend provides a constant source of energy as each fatty acid is utilised at different stages at the cellular level. This may provide a continuous source of fuel for the muscles and help prolong the onset of lactic acid.

Feeding Oil: 101

What are NSCs?

NSCs are Non-Structural-Carbohydrates, which include sugar and starch. NSCs are mainly found in grains, as well as in sweet foods (i.e. molasses). NSCs provide energy to horses, but in high levels, they can cause metabolic chaos, namely laminitis, poor temperament and high blood acidity. The accepted NSC level in feeds for most horses is 12-15%.

What is the alternative?
Research shows that oil is a suitable non-grain source of cool energy. One cup of oil is equivalent to about two and a half cups of grains in digestible energy. Not all oils are the same. There are saturated oils e.g. coconut oil - which uniquely contains high levels of Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) for performance. There are also polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) which contain Omega 3, 6 and 9.

Oils must be balanced
Over consumption of hydrogenated and PUFA vegetable oils (e.g. Soybean oil, maize oil etc.), in combination with grain can cause imbalanced Omega 3 and 6 levels. This may contribute to inflammation and increased circulating free radicals. These oils may also cause cellular acidity. Together this may impact on the efficiency of energy utilisation for performance, and also compromise the overall health of the animal long-term.

EquiPower Performance® - a unique blend of oils
EquiPower Performance is a balance of Omegas 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids and MCTs for energy. EquiPower Performance is a source of high density energy for all performance horses.

Add to feed twice daily, introduce slowly into diet to optimize absorption

Morning feed: 1 x 60ml
Evening feed: 1 x 60ml

Increase gradually over 4 weeks

Morning feed: 1 x 100ml
Evening feed: 1 x 100ml

Middle distance horses:
Morning feed: 1 x 150ml
Evening feed: 1 x 150ml

Stayers and endurance horses:
Morning feed: 1 x 200ml
Evening feed: 1 x 200ml

Based on a 500kg horse



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